God of poetry, son of Odin and the giantess
He was the chief poet (skald) of Odin. He was married to Idun and
he had runes cut on his tongue.
There was a 9th century skald named
Bragi Boddason and some believe he may have been raised to a god by later
writers. Others believe Bragi was a pseudonym of Odin.
In one version of the Baldr story, when Loki returned to
Asgard after causing the death of Baldr, Bragi told him he was unwelcome at the feast. Loki and Bragi insulted each other, and Bragi
threatened to twist off Loki's head to stop his lies. Loki fled the hall after prophesizing the doom of the gods.
In Uberheim, our Bragi is the
Ascended God of Poetry and Eloquence. He is active in the Arts and Sciences and an expert in Rune Divination.
Read some of Bragi's
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