Also Uller. God of archery and the hunt, according to some he was a god of skiers
and the snowshoe. His weapon was a longbow made out of Yew and he lived in
Ydal [Yew Dales].
Ull was called upon for help in duels. He was the son
(or step-son) of
Thor and
Sif (or Ovandrill, depending on the source). His
name, which means "glorious", is a part of many place names, therefore, he is considered to be an
ancient god who was widely worshipped.
In Uberheim, Uller is the Ascended God of Archery and is
affectionately known to the gods as their "kid brother". He is an accomplished
fighter and marshal, and specializes in the martial art form Capoeria. At
Yule 2001 Uller won the first annual Kings Champion tournament, and is now
Siegfried's champion.
is also a member of the arts and sciences guild of the Golden Thread and has
begun making his own garb.

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