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AT LONG LAST HELL RISES UP TO TAKE YOUR SOULS... well, it's our game plan anyway Hellaween 2001
Date: Friday October 26,2001 and Saturday October 27,2001
Place: Friday night at Mug's Pub
Saturday at Vigard (Lakeland Park) Time:
Friday night at approx 10pm
Saturday beginning at 12 noon Event Layout:
Friday night Lady Randgrith will be hosting Uberheim's costume party at mugs pub to kick off the Hellaween festivities. For more information contact
Saturday: 12noon: Set up and welcoming. Day board will be open consisting of bread, honey butter, cheese, meat, and drinks (and everyone should remember to say thank you to the King for he is the one providing the day board)
1pm: The Pumpkin King Tourney A tourney created by Sir Rudiger and Sir Thor. 2pm: Team set up for the Hellaween Treasure Hunt *****teams will be chosen by random*****
2:15pm: The rules for the event will be gone over. All teams will have a copy of the rules with them.
2:30pm: The Hellaween Treasure Hunt will begin. The treasure hunt will go on until one teams emerges the winner. ******a word to the wise...bring your thinking caps 'cause you just may find they are very useful to have on this quest****** Any time remaining after the treasure hunt will be various fighting activities. During the treasure hunt there will be chess boards set up for those who do not wish to participate.
6pm: Outlurk to Crystal Gardens The cost of dinner will be approx $13/person Approx 8:30pm: Court and prizes for the winners of the day 10pm: We are currently planning a lurk to Sports Plus where there is a Haunted House. Prices are currently being looked into but we feel that it will be about $5-$10/person (and it is not as far away as last years lurk) While this is not one of our typical Uberevents we hope that all those who attend have a lot of fun...We want Uberites smiling and laughing. So we hope to see you all there enjoying yourselves (or at least the honey butter...which you should really get there on time for because the King loves his honey butter.....)
~One King,One Ring!~ § With the grace of Das Rheingold § King Sir Siegrieš Sigvålšsen, of The Glorious Kingdom of Uberheim