Beltane 2001
Saga's Account

The Kingdom of Uberheim gathered at Hecksher Park for the traditional Beltane Revel on Saturday, May 12, 2001.
The day was breezy and rather cloudy, but pleasant nonetheless. Activities began with a brief opening court, in which Siegfried welcomed those gathered. King Siegfried reminded his subjects that the day was to be designated one of Honor and Remembrance for Those Who Had Fallen, in memorial of Berserker, who had passed on to Valhalla earlier that week. Also, the Goddess Saga, long absent from Kingdom activites, made her presence known and presented a belated Coronation gift to Queen Rosseweisse. Their Graces Hagen and Skuld of House Diesgralsritter presented Lady Morgaine le Fey with a household favor and formally welcomed her into their fold.
List fighting began soon after court closed, while an Arts and Sciences demonstration of armor making was presented by Brak. The Ranking Tourney was won by Prince Sir Thor. Newer fighters were invited to test their skills in the Golden Sword Tourney. Although Beowulf was proclaimed champion, several fighters including Beowulf himself have contested the scoring and organization. The Chivalry is currently looking into the matter.
Meanwhile, several interested Mundanes were attracted by our activites, and sought information about the kingdom. A calligraphy demonstration also occured, in the arts of scroll making and Rune transliteration. King Siegfried demonstarted his mastery of cullinary skills by baking clams.
The weather turned inclement towards late afternoon, culminating with a brief but intense rain squall. The members of the Kingdom huddled under the pavilion and watched as Alberich ran about in the rain. Many a comment about Wet Dwarf was heard!
As the rain ended, and evening shadows began to lengthen, a closing court was held in which each noble, knight, household, and any others in service to Their Majesties and the Realm renewed Vows of Fealty. The King renewed his pledge to the Kingdom within his annual Beltane Address. Other business included the announcement of a handfasting between Reginleif and Vermithrax, the taking of a new Valkyrie in service to Her Majesty Queen Rosseweisse, and the re-entry of Xanthia into the Order of the Stone.
Night fell and the populace packed up and prepared to head out, with many planning to reassemble at Southhaven Park for a camp out, despite the previously wet weather.
At Southhaven Park, an impromptu rivalry rose up between Alberich and Vermithrax over the size of their campfires (honestly, it's always about SIZE with men, isn't it?!?!) Alberich's fire was undoubtably larger, but there was definitely something suspicious, as he had placed wood in Vermithrax's fire which gave every indication of having been quite damp! Luckily for that Dragon Mage's draconian pride, the Goddess Saga, erstwhile Girl Scout and Fire Builder extroidinaire, showed up and with unbelievable perseverance, got his fire burning merrily.
The Evening's Main Event was the Ascension of the consort of Thor, the Lady Sif, to the rank of full Goddess. Sif's shy nature led her to eschew all the usual pomp and formality, and a simple but moving cermemony of Ascension was performed. Odin and Thor officiated, with aid from Bragi, Uller, and Saga. Read the
Text of Ascension.
Sif was welcomed as a full member of Asgard with open arms.
After the ceremony, much revelry and General Silliness ensued, including the molestation of Thor's eyebrows and hair by his irreverent siblings and the Queen. Pictures were taken by Brak, which will soon be posted!
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